Canada – The Minister of Health and Government of Canada officials to hold a news conference on coronavirus disease (October 1, 2021)


Media advisory

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) update to be given by The Minister of Health and Government of Canada officials at October 1, 2021 news conference.

The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Federal Minister of Health, will hold a media availability to provide an update on coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

This will be followed by an update to media from Government of Canada officials on COVID-19.

Participants will be available to answer questions from the media following their remarks.


October 1, 2021


Minister’s Media Availability:

12:30 PM (EDT)

Government of Canada Officials’ update and availability:

1:15 PM (EDT)


Sir John A. MacDonald Building

144 Wellington St,

Ottawa, ON

The Government of Canada Officials’ update and availability will be virtual only.

Media will also be able to ask questions via teleconference.

Toll-free (Canada/US) dial-in number:


Local dial-in number:


Passcode:  1622050#

NOTE: To help ensure optimal simultaneous interpretation sound quality, journalists are encouraged to use a microphone (headphones/headset) or, when possible, a landline, and to avoid using speaker mode if queuing up for questions.

Twitter: @GovCanHealth

Facebook: Healthy Canadians

Media Inquiries:

Andrew MacKendrick

Office of the Minister of Health

Media Relations

Public Health Agency of Canada
