Former Athlete’s Memoir Unveils How She Broke Free From Her Very Own Monster


“Triumph: Taming the Monster Within” by Ingrid Kern is truly an inspiring account of the author’s turbulent journey in finally achieving real freedom and reaching her lifelong dream. This beautifully written book conveys her struggles growing up as a physically, emotionally, and psychologically abused child.

Kern reveals specific and sensitive moments of her father’s influence on her; an upbringing that would later greatly impact her individuality and mental health. The pages also disclose how she faithfully trained as a sprinter for four years and how her whole career abruptly ended with a torn hamstring.

In spite of her strong desire to move forward and leave the ugly past behind, she still suffered from anxiety, leaving herself helpless and searching for answers to the infinite questions she could possibly make about her life. It takes a tough person to fight the restless voices in one’s head and to practice commitment to conquer one’s monsters — the biggest fears each of us have. How does one woman who suffered from abuse finally heal and free herself from her monster?

Kern, who was born in Vienna, Austria, has been a trained athlete. Having finished seventh during the National Games in 2011 with an extremely nasty injury, she turned to modelling and acting on stage in Europe for 11 years. She then moved to New York before finally settling down in Los Angeles. Kern is now an award winning poet, with several awards received from the International Society of Poets. She is happily juggling her time writing, doing photography, working in real estate, and pursuing her physical fitness. She successfully participated in the Summer Senior Olympics despite having not to run for 49 years.

Triumph: Taming the Monster Within
Ingrid Kern
Paperback: $14.50

Book copies are available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book retailers.