Canada – Government of Canada to provide financial support to the Confederation Bridge operator


The Confederation Bridge—the largest bridge in Canada—is an iconic and key asset for Prince Edward Island and its residents, providing a vital link between Islanders and the mainland to access essential goods and services. Throughout Canada, several measures were implemented to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 between provinces and internationally. Due to the reduced movements of Canadians, the Confederation Bridge experienced a considerable decrease in traffic over the past 18 months.

August 12, 2021     Borden-Carleton, PEI     Transport Canada

The Confederation Bridge—the largest bridge in Canada—is an iconic and key asset for Prince Edward Island and its residents, providing a vital link between Islanders and the mainland to access essential goods and services. Throughout Canada, several measures were implemented to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 between provinces and internationally. Due to the reduced movements of Canadians, the Confederation Bridge experienced a considerable decrease in traffic over the past 18 months.

Today, the Members of Parliament for Malpeque, Wayne Easter, and for Egmont, Robert J. Morrissey, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced that the Confederation Bridge operator, Strait Crossing Bridge Limited, will receive $2.87 million from Transport Canada to cover toll revenue shortfalls related to decreased traffic due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

As a result of this funding, the Strait Crossing Bridge Limited will not seek to increase tolls on the Confederation Bridge to recover these losses.

The Government of Canada is committed to helping Canadians recover from the effects of COVID-19 by ensuring they have accessible and efficient transportation options for years to come. As we move forward with the safe, gradual return of activities in the transportation sector—both in Canada and internationally—it is imperative that we continue to ensure a vibrant and competitive Canadian transportation system.

“The Confederation Bridge is an iconic structure that allows over a million people each year to cross to and from Prince Edward Island to mainland Canada. This funding will help the Island’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and will improve the movement of goods, services, and people to and from the mainland.”

The Honourable Omar Alghabra

Minister of Transport

“The Confederation Bridge is an important link that allows Islanders to connect with other parts of Canada and is key to our daily lives and our economy. Today’s announcement will help support the transportation of essential goods, as well as support PEI’s tourism sector.”

The Honourable Wayne Easter

Member of Parliament for Malpeque, PEI

Allison St-Jean

Senior Communications Advisor and Press Secretary

Office of the Honourable Omar Alghabra

Minister of Transport, Ottawa
