Canada – Backgrounder: Residents of the Northwest Territories to benefit from upgrades to wastewater and solid waste infrastructure


Community Government of Behchokǫ̀

Behchokǫ̀ Landfill Upgrade and Expansion

Construction of an additional landfill cell, a brand new landfill office, weigh scale, controlled gate, and fencing.



Hamlet of Fort Resolution

Fort Resolution Landfill Upgrades

Road access improvements to reduce standing water on the access road, updates to facility signage and the installation of a 150m fence to capture solid waste from leaving the landfill site.



Village of Fort Simpson

Fort Simpson Wastewater Sludge Management and Solid Waste Landfill Improvements

Construction of a lined wastewater sludge management site, a dedicated household hazardous waste area and a reconfiguration of the landfill to better control access through a transfer station concept.



Town of Fort Smith

Fort Smith Landfill Expansion

Construction of new waste cells, a waste transfer station, and the development of a compost treatment facility to reduce landfill by approximately 50% by diverting organic waste and processing into useable soil.



Government of Northwest Territories

North Slave Regional Community Landfills Waste Diversion and Improvement Program

Rehabilitation of five existing solid waste landfills in Behchokǫ̀, Gamèti, Fort Providence, Wekweètì, and Whatì by increasing volumetric capacity by 30,000-45,000 cubic metres (total across all sites).



Town of Inuvik

Inuvik Solid Waste Site Expansion

Installation of an electrified fence to prevent bears from entering the solid waste site.



Hamlet of Paulatuk

Paulatuk Sewage Lagoon Upgrade

Construction of a berm around the Paulatuk sewage lagoon.

