Greenpeace challenges FSC certification of Swedish forestry giant Sveaskog over violations of Indigenous Peoples’ rights


Greenpeace International has filed a formal complaint to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) International against Swedish forestry giant Sveaskog for repeated breaches of the indigenous rights of the Muonio Sámi peoples.

“In support of the Indigenous rights of the Muonio Sámi we have lodged a complaint to FSC questioning their certification of Sveaskog. A core FSC principle is respect for the rights and livelihoods of Indigenous peoples such as the Sámi, yet in the last 4 years Sveaskog have repeatedly breached this principle,” said Grant Rosoman, Senior Advisor Forests Solutions for Greenpeace International.

FSC Principle 3 as well as the Swedish National Forest Stewardship Standard requires companies to “identify and uphold Indigenous Peoples’ legal and customary rights of ownership, use and management of land, territories and resources.” Greenpeace International has filed the complaint to FSC International via their complaints and appeals system.[1] This has come about after years of complaints by the Muonio Sámi community and public attention on Sveaskog not respecting their customary rights. 

“We cannot stand by and allow forestry giant Sveaskog to bully and disrespect the Muonio Sámi. As Sveaskog was one of the first companies in the world to be FSC certified in 1998, we expect them to know and uphold FSC’s principles. That Sveaskog remains certified until today despite years of complaints, means FSC International and FSC Sweden are indirectly supporting the company’s disregard of the Sámi indigenous rights. Because of the seriousness of the breach of rules and lack of any progress locally we have filed the complaint with FSC International,” said Rosoman.

Photo and Video available from the Greenpeace Media Library:


[1] Muonio Sámi complaint to FSC Sweden : 

Greenpeace report for campaign background, Destruction: Certified.