Book “The Dark Side of Practice,” written by Alexander Mirvis is creating a stir in legal community


Author & Legal Professional in NYC has released a book that details the dirty side of Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice business

Alexander Mirvis is a professional settlement negotiator that works with multiple law firms throughout New York City to resolve highly problematic cases. With over $15,000,000+ in settlements on record, Alexander Mirvis has established a very impressive reputation as a Personal Injury and Medical Mal-Practice Settlement Negotiator.

Alexander Mirvis has published a book called “The Dark Side of Practice,” which exposes the dark and dirty side of Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice. The book is not only his story on how he became one of the most prolific settlement negotiators in New York City, but also about the dark side of Personal Injury Practice and its never-ending battle between insurance companies who will fight to the end to save a dollar and the plaintiffs’ attorneys who are trying to recover as much money as possible for their clients alleged injuries. In the middle, there are No Fault doctors, who are willing to operate on patients just for a few extra dollars.

The Book is now available on Amazon.


Alexander Mirvis is a professional settlement negotiator that works with multiple law firms throughout New York City to resolve highly problematic cases. With over $15,000,000+ in settlements on record, Alexander Mirvis has established a very impressive reputation as a Personal Injury and Medical Mal-Practice Settlement Negotiator.