New ESG Insight Online Publication to Cover Data, Reporting and Technology Challenges in Capital Markets, from A-Team Group


 Having followed data and technology developments across the financial enterprise for over 20 years A-Team Group believe that the significant shift we are now seeing towards more positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices is one of the best and most rapid advancement in our industry.

In their new ESG Insight online publication, they will be tracking:

· Industry initiatives and strategic developments

· Regulatory requirements – from the high level EU action plan on financing sustainable growth, to SFDR, NFRD, FRIB and EFDR, to the adaptation of existing regulations such as MiFID II, IDD, CRD and many more

· The data challenges – from data issues such as transparency, metrics, data quality, unstructured data and more, to data management challenges, data governance and analytics

· The regulatory reporting challenges, such as the question of materiality, to data standards such as the GRI, SASB, TCFD, IIRC, CDP and EU taxonomy.

· How financial institutions are adapting their practices, workflows, technology and data sourcing to both stay in line with regulations, but also to help their firms build on their infrastructure to support increasing ESG investments.

· How software and data vendors are evolving their products and services to help meet these needs

The launch of this brand new ESG Insight publication builds on their existing coverage through their recently-held ESG Briefing, virtual summits, and webinars, where the topic has been debated by industry experts – all of which are available on their new channel.


For more information:

Leigh Hill,

A-Team Group

Marketing Operations Manager

Tel: +44 (0)20 8090 2055


Marketing opportunities

Jo Webb,

A-Team Group

Sales Director

T: +44 (0)7468 560 555


A-Team Group

Leigh Hill

44 (0)20 8090 2055



  • Banking & Financial Services