A Delegation Visit from Spoand#322;dzielniaPokoj Factory to Al-Maddah Group in Saudi Arabia


SpółdzielniaPokój factoryis one of theoldest, largest, and most trusted factories in Poland for producing caramel fudge. It is also a key contributor to the history of “LuxurioHalawaAl Bakara” from Al-Maddah, the leading brand in Saudi Arabia and the regionwhoimport more than 80% of the factory’s production of the famous caramel fudge.

The visit included many discussions,market visits (including the Chub CAFÉ the strategic Luxurio Partner) and agreements. The team also visited the Polish Consulate located in Riyadh.

The visit was concluded at the Group’sheadquarters in Jeddahbysigning an exclusive distribution agreement between the two partners. The purpose of this agreement is to make Al- Maddah the exclusive and sole distributor of Pokojproducts in the region and the world. The two partners will continue to explore opportunities to enrich and strengthen their relationship and the business through continuous innovation and efficiencies.

Cross functional workshops were conducted to explore potential innovations and tools that can grow Luxurio and the other brands in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the region as a whole.

For more information on SpółdzielniaPokój factoryand its shared history, kindly visit the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH60HSXdzG8
