Timeshare Owner Justice Announces New “Dispute Resolution” Program to Help Unhappy Timeshare Owners Legally Exit Their Lifetime Contract


 Timeshare Owner Justice helps timeshare owners who no longer want, need, or use their timeshare achieve a legal and permanent discharge and release from their timeshare contract and debt. Timeshare Owner Justice stands head and shoulders above other timeshare cancellation companies because of their unique and aggressive “Dispute Resolution program” that provides faster results. With a focus on communication and collaboration, their team of advocates and legal professionals have figured out how to “crack the code” by utilizing specific consumer protections as well as exerting a pressure campaign on the agencies and entities that oversee and regulate the industry. Timeshare Owner Justice’s Dispute Resolution program forces the timeshare companies to engage in fair negotiation to release the obligation.

Timeshare contracts are long and complicated and weighted in favor of the developer. (https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/what-is-a-timeshare/) “Most timeshare owners do not realize that the contract they signed is a lifetime commitment,” says Case Analyst Ryan Millhouse. “The developer locks them into a lifetime obligation with maintenance fees that increase an average of 5% to 10% per year, whether they use the property or not.”(https://www.quickenloans.com/learn/timeshare) Many timeshare owners are senior citizens who were overpromised, misled and pressured into a deal that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Even worse, most of these contracts have a perpetuity clause, which means that when the owner passes away, that obligation will transfer to their heirs. Imagine, paying for that bad investment decision forever. (https://timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk/2021/06/14/a-deeper-look-at-the-perpetuity-clause/)

That is why Timeshare Owner Justice exists….to provide a solution for timeshare owners who were pressured, misled, coerced, or simply did not understand what they were signing up for. This is what happened to the founder’s mother–she was a senior citizen who was suffering from memory loss and no longer able to get much use out of her, timeshare. She reached out to her developer to request they let her out, but instead of working with her, the aggressive salesperson misled her and convinced her to upgrade as a way to exit the timeshare contract. This did not help her; it increased her loan payments and maintenance fees on a timeshare she could never use. When she tried a second time to get out, she was instead convinced that the best way to exit the first upgraded timeshare was to purchase a second one. The founder of Timeshare Owner Justice was shocked when he came across the bills from the developer and realized how corrupt, aggressive, and selfish the timeshare sales agents are—all they care about is their commission. Nothing else matters, regardless of whom they hurt. Shortly after, Timeshare Owner Justice was born.

Timeshare Owner Justice offers a free consultation to all timeshare owners to determine if they qualify for their Dispute Resolution program. Additionally, they offer discounts to senior citizens who are oftentimes the most vulnerable. They also offer discounts for veterans, first responders, and teachers as a way to give back to those who have given so much.

Timeshare developers have taken advantage of too many innocent people who were misled and pushed into lifetime contracts that they never understood. In fact 85% of all timeshare owners regret their purchase (https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/advice/2018/12/26/timeshare-troubles-extricate-unwanted-unit/2375107002/).Timeshare Owner Justice will advocate and obtain justice for their clients and get them out of their timeshare agreements. They are truly one of the best timeshare exit companies and they back it up with a risk-free guarantee.


Dean Miller

P: (719) 300-1201

E: support@timeshareownerjustice.com

W: www.timeshareownerjustice.org

1. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/mortgages/what-is-a-timeshare/

2. https://www.quickenloans.com/learn/timeshare

3. https://timeshareconsumerassociation.org.uk/2021/06/14/a-deeper-look-at-the-perpetuity-clause/

4. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/advice/2018/12/26/timeshare-troubles-extricate-unwanted-unit/2375107002/

Timeshare Owner Justice

Dean Miller

(719) 300-1201




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