The Dream Sister Shares Esoteric Knowledge to Help Readers Achieve Their Goals


“Dream It First: The 80/20 Law to Manifesting Dreams and Goals” has the answers readers are looking for. The enigmatic notion that lies at the heart of the universal themes in this astounding book. Jacqueline Robertson, also known as the Dream Sister, presents the philosophy and methodology behind the esoteric 80/20 law.

Robertson, who is a registered real estate broker, a published author, and holds qualifications in occupational therapy, business administration, and legal services, has had her fair share of struggles and overcomes. She struggled with speech and hearing impairment, lost both parents when she was 17, lost her husband of 21 years to cancer, and had a child who survived a fatal gunshot wound to the head. Regardless, Robertson persevered and succeeded because of the enigmatic 80/20 law.

The book lets every reader in on the inner workings of this law. From a change in perspective to the practical application of the methodologies inside the book, Robertson creates a streamlined path to achieving success with little to no effort. In an interview, Robertson said: “Regardless of where you are in life right now, what your present conditions are, or what you’ve experienced over past intervals in your life, you can begin to live your dreams now with less effort!”

Robertson continues to reap the benefits of this esoteric law. She has won several honors in business sales and has motivated salespeople, entrepreneurs, corporations, nonprofit service groups, and many others who have heard her exciting lectures and read her one-of-a-kind book.

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Dream It First: The 80/20 Law to Manifestation of Dreams and Goals
Author: Jacqueline R. Robertson
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: February 2021
Book Genre: Self-Help

About the Author
Jacqueline R. Robertson is a motivational and business speaker who writes from highland. She is an entrepreneur, who has owned businesses in the hospitality, healthcare, real estate, and legal arena, a licensed real estate broker/paralegal, insurance agent and has worked in the field of occupational therapy for over 25 years. In 2014 she was awarded Senator Mike Morrell’s Women of Distinction Award.