Recco Non Ferro Metals Announced As New Sponsor For Energy From Waste Conference 2021


The Energy from Waste conference will provide delegates with the opportunity to hear updates on how legislation and policy can stimulate more investment and how Brexit will affect the future of the market this comprehensive conference remains an essential calendar date for those in the Energy from Waste community.

Interested parties can register at: – register by 30th September to save £100.

SMi Group are delighted to announce that Recco Non – Ferro Metals as a sponsor for the Energy From Waste conference.

Who are Recco Non – Ferro Metals?

As a specialist in the recovery of non-ferrous metals from slags, or bottom ash (IBA), Recco facilitates a state-of-the-art system that separates the aluminium and heavy metals in 3 grading sizes from residue aggregates. The yield of aluminium and heavy metals we generate with our on-site bottom ash processing installations is, on average, 1,5 % higher than conventional recovery systems, which result in higher revenues when sold to European smelters.

The process of recovering non ferrous metals from incinerator bottom ash is described on the following pages of our website, as well as our services:

•on-site bottom ash processing plant

•non ferrous metal separation

•IBA processing plant engineering, maintenance, and repairs*

Building upon the success of last year, this year’s event will bring together international waste management operators, developers, private equity financiers, technology providers and industrial end users to discuss the most crucial topics within Energy from Waste.

This year’s conference will explore how technological innovations and new policies assist the

growth of the Energy from Waste market in a decarbonised world. To register, please visit:

Energy from Waste 2021

1st – 2nd December 2021

London, United Kingdom
