

 The PanAfGeo community is pleased to announce the launching of the PanAfGeo second phase (PanAfGeo-2), which will continue to build on the first phase project’s achievements over the next three years.

PanAfGeo, an EU co-funded initiative that began in 2016, contributed to the transfer of knowledge between European and African Geological Surveys. PanAfGeo also ensured the institutional strengthening of many African national administrations in charge of geology and mining.

With the backing of the European Union and the African Union through the Africa-EU Partnership, PanAfGeo-2 will continue to serve as a reference of an intercontinental cooperation and development project in the field of geosciences. PanAfGeo-2 is implemented through a project consortium, coordinated by the BRGM, the Geological Survey of France, and including 11 European Geological Surveys and the umbrella organization of the Geological Surveys in Europe, EuroGeoSurveys (EGS). Together with the Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS) and African Geological Surveys, PanAfGeo-2 will develop a set of knowledge exchange programmes for African geoscientists to acquire state-of-the-art tools and learn new methods and skills in the following geoscientific competencies:

1) Geoscientific Mapping

2) Mineral Resources Assessment

3) Artisanal & Small-Scale Mining

4) Geoheritage & Geothermal energy

5) Geohazards & Environmental Management of Mines

6) Georesources Governance & OAGS/GSOs Institutional Strengthening

7) Geoscientific Information Management

8) Communication, Dissemination & Dialogue.

The project supports the training of geoscientific staff from African Geological Surveys through the diversity of innovative training methods. The project will embrace the acquisition and development of the professional skills that complement the participants’ technical qualifications, under the guidance of African and European geoscientists with an extensive international experience.

PanAfGeo-2 also aims to support capacity building at the political, institutional, and technical level in Africa by focusing on georesources governance and, at an expert and management level, involvement of senior African geoscientists that would develop a long-term training for trainers approach with a view towards post-project activities.

All activities of PanAfGeo-2 shall reinforce the governance and sustainable management of georesources within the African-EU Partnership.


Krishnan Subramani Ramakrishnan




  • Environment