Canada – Government of Canada and Prince Edward Island fund projects to boost innovation in the fish and seafood sectors



Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Province of Prince Edward Island are pleased to announce funding of $1,876,026 for seven organizations through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Province of Prince Edward Island are pleased to announce funding of $1,876,026 for seven organizations through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund.

The funding will help innovate the fish and seafood sectors in the Province with the development of new products and adoption of new technologies and equipment to improve productivity and sustainability.

Funding for seven organizations through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund

Project description
Total project cost
AFF funding

Acadian Supreme Inc.
Adoption of new equipment that will automate the net-packaging process for whole, raw lobster.

Atlantic Aqua Farms Ltd.
To expand the Borden facility to include wet storage equipment for oyster processing, equipment to run an on-site oyster hatchery, and to pilot a mussel hatchery.

Cape Reef Smoke and Charcoal
Murray Harbour
To acquire new equipment for the production of smoked salmon and trout products.

Food Island Partnership
To administer a program to support development of new value-added products and packaging solutions for oysters and mussels.

JMK Fish Mart Inc.
To acquire new equipment for a lobster holding facility to improve the quality of products.

Prince Edward Aqua Farms Inc.
New London
To acquire oyster grading equipment to improve productivity.

Raspberry Point Oyster Co.
North Rustico
To acquire new equipment to expand oyster holding capacity.


August 2021