Dr. Judson Somerville Introduces A Healthy Alternative To The Covid-19 Vaccine


His book is titled “The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health with The Power of Vitamin D3.” In this book, Dr. Somerville exposes facts that are not very common among media and government circles. He introduces how the VDR or vitamin D receptor gene, which allows the body to respond to vitamin D, enables your body to overcome defects such as COVID-19 by naturally boosting vitamin D3 effectiveness. How can vitamin D3 help you? What health issues can it address? Dr. Judson masterfully describes the wonderful, natural benefits of vitamin D3 in “The Optimal Dose.”

Dr. Judson explained, “My objective by introducing this healthy alternative is two-fold: (1) To educate people experiencing vaccine hesitancy on healthy and natural alternatives to Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines that will consequently assist in improving the immune systems of you and your children; and (2) To inform those people who have chosen to take the COVID-19 vaccine that there are natural solutions for vastly improving the maintenance of a healthy immune system. It is not my intention to vilify any of these companies but rather to educate people on healthy available alternatives to or along with the vaccine.”

Considering the increasing concern regarding the Delta variant, Dr. Judson is launching a podcast beginning in September that will assist in addressing many of the immediate concerns of the general public regarding COVID-19 preventative care measures. The podcast will feature other doctors and professionals familiar with healthy alternatives to the vaccinations.

“The Optimal Dose: Restore Your Health with The Power of Vitamin D3” is available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and most other online distributors and book retailers. To learn more about Dr. Judson Somerville, visit https://www.judsonsomerville.com. To contact Dr. Judson Somerville for booking, send inquiries to ndbrennan11 ( @ ) gmail dot com dot

N. D. “Indy” Brennan is an author, master business planner and development strategist, copywriter, brand consultant, and frequent online media contributor. To contact Indy Brennan, send inquiries to ndbrennan11 ( @ ) gmail dot com.
