Hong Kong – CE visits secondary school and listens to views of students on Policy Address (with photos/video)


CE visits secondary school and listens to views of students on Policy Address (with photos/video)


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (September 3) visited Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College in Tsing Yi to learn more about the promotion of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in the school and listen to views and suggestions of students on the upcoming Policy Address.
     Accompanied by the Chairman of the Po Leung Kuk (PLK) and Chairman of the PLK Schools’ Supervisors Committee, Mr Calvin Lam, Mrs Lam listened to a briefing by the school on its experience in promoting STEM education, and viewed the award-winning works of students in various competitions and a display of STEM teaching materials, including sumo robots, 3D printing technology, a hydroponics system and virtual reality devices. Mrs Lam chatted with students and said she was pleased to see that they are devoted to STEM learning. She encouraged them to keep up their efforts and be brave in their endeavours to explore their interest and potential in STEM.
     “The current-term Government has devoted substantial resources to innovation and technology (I&T) development and attaches great importance to the promotion of STEM education in schools to stimulate students’ interest in I&T and innovative thinking as well as popularise science. In the past few years, the Government has implemented various measures to support STEM education in schools, including updating the curriculum, strengthening training for teachers, providing financial and other support, and organising large-scale learning activities. We will continue to enhance the relevant measures to develop students’ interest in STEM from a young age and strengthen learning to ensure a steady supply of talents for Hong Kong’s I&T development,” Mrs Lam said.
     Mrs Lam then proceeded to the school hall to attend a session with students on the upcoming Policy Address. In addition to some 60 Secondary Five and Six students of the school, about 800 students from 16 other PLK schools joined the session through video conferencing. During the session, which lasted about an hour, about 20 students put forward their views covering a wide range of areas, including youth development, education, I&T, healthcare and environmental protection. The students also expressed other views covering national security education, enhancement of support for Hong Kong athletes and more.
     Mrs Lam thanked the students for their active participation in giving their views on the upcoming Policy Address. She said that Hong Kong enjoys the institutional strength of “One Country, Two Systems” and a number of traditional advantages. She stressed that, together with the strong support of the country in the National 14th Five-Year Plan for Hong Kong’s development in a number of key areas, the future of Hong Kong is very promising. She encouraged the students to fully equip themselves and be courageous to pursue their dreams and develop bright prospects for themselves.