Chicago’s “You Recording Ent” is next to hit the charts


After professionally recording over 100 artist within the first year of opening, Chicago’s recording company “You Recording Ent” is on the rise.

Being an aspiring studio in the Lower West Side of Chicago, You Recording Ent has been making a huge impact in the music industry.

Within just the first year of opening, Fiinanse, the head engineer of YRE, has recorded over 100 artist from all over the city. You Recording Ent has also been providing a place for college interns to build a lifelong skill, educational zoom calls for engineers, and business understanding for artist. What better impact could a black owned recording facility provide to the community?

Fiinanse has the background and experience necessary to record just about anything. With an audio engineering degree from SAE Institute, he has been working hard to provide the best for those seeking to gain some music industry knowledge. You Recording Ent is definitely the place to be if your looking for a studio in Chicago.

About You Recording Ent

You Recording Ent, is a Chicago based recording company that derives in providing the best quality through scientific ways of recording, mixing, and mastering audio.