PLUGHITZ Live helps companies increase brand awareness and educates their audience about tech and gaming products


Based in Largo, Florida, PLUGHITZ Live is an online media publication company that has built a community of educated users interested in technology and gaming news and products. Their content includes tech news, reviews, and previews, delivered through audio, video, and text formats.

PLUGHITZ Live helps brands expand through different media channels, contributing to their growth.

The technology and gaming industries are expanding every day, and the competition is fiercer than ever. For brands trying to get in front of a wider audience, media exposure is key.

Meanwhile, consumers are consistently seeking information before they decide what to buy. With so much information available to consumers, they’re more likely to go to a trustworthy and popular source of information; or, even better, a loyal community of like-minded consumers.

With F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, one of the longest-running tech shows in the world, PLUGHITZ Live has kept up with changing consumer and brand needs for over 14 years. PLUGHITZ Live caters to consumers through videos, blogs, podcasts, reviews, and their site, which showcases deals, relevant events, and more. 

Their audience is not limited to gaming products: audiences of all kinds come to them for mobile products reviews, photography products, and to learn more about computer devices. Their technology podcasts also review and gives tips about home products such as car add-ons and kitchen and lighting accessories.

PLUGHITZ Live even reaches a younger audience through their FIRST Looks series, which focuses on school-aged robotics programs. They often highlight ​​ROBOTICON Tampa Bay, a youth robotics showcase in Tampa, Florida, through interviews with everyone from participating students to NASA engineers.

Their channel also includes tech product unboxings and tech product reviews, providing a more interactive experience.

Marketing products through a company like PLUGHITZ Live can be a highly effective strategy for brands to get their name out to the right audience — and keep them loyal. By informing consumers about the features and benefits of these products, PLUGHITZ Live builds a loyal and educated customer base in an organic way.

Contact Name: Scott Ertz



PlugHitz is an online media publication that features tech news, reviews, and previous that delivers these through audio, video, and text formats.