Elision Launched Customer Profiling in DialShree


“We are happy to share the news that we have launched one of the most advanced features for DialShree: call center solution, which is customer profiling. It is going to be a revolutionary feature for call centers and businesses that use DialShree because it has multiple applications and utilities to offer. It is now in production and available to use for current and future customers. It is an on-demand feature, so customers will not contact our team to get access to this feature”, shared the spokesperson of the company.

As per the shared details, customer profiling creates a complete conversation profile of the customer. It means all communications of a customer via unified communication channels will be logged into the DialShree: call center solution. Moreover, these conversations will be shown in a well-formatted manner to the agents as a complete customer profile. It means customer profiling will show start to end conversations of the customer in the call center.

“The customer profiling feature will be accessible during a live call and even when the agent is not on a live call. This feature is built to show all conversations of a customer via different communication channels. As DialShree is an omnichannel contact center solution, we have covered this part of showing all conversations in a sequential manner. As we cannot include, everything in the customer profiling as it can be overwhelming for the agent to find details, we have put some required information in the customers profiling feature to give a hint of conversation or interaction customer had with the agents. This will help agents to deliver better customer services or convert more leads”, shared the spokesperson of the company.

As per the shared details, this feature of DialShree: call center solution will show the following details for each conversation of the customer with the call center:

• Date and time

• Mode of communication (voice call, SMS, email, WhatsApp, etc.)

• Stream of communication (outbound or inbound)

• Last message sent or disposition of the communication

About DialShree

It is a proprietary call center solution offered by Elision. It supports unified communication channels. Thus, it is also an omnichannel call center solution. This software has a wide array of features and add-ons to offer to empower its users. To further benefit the users of this software, the company has developed and integrated one more feature, called customer profiling. The company has shared more details about this feature on its official website, here https://www.elisiontec.com/we-launched-customer-profiling-feature-dialshree/
