Canada – Government of Canada and Government of New Brunswick announce extension of support for quality early learning and child care across the province 


The Government of Canada and the Government of New Brunswick have reached an agreement on an extension to the Canada–New Brunswick Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.

August 13, 2021              Gatineau, Québec              Employment and Social Development CanadaThe Government of Canada and the Government of New Brunswick have reached an agreement on an extension to the Canada–New Brunswick Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.

Through the agreement, the Government of Canada is providing over $48.1 million in funding over four years to New Brunswick to improve access to high quality, affordable, flexible, and inclusive early learning and child care programs and services. In addition, the Government of Canada is making a one-time investment of $9.2 million in 2021-2022 to support New Brunswick’s early childhood educator recruitment and retention efforts.

Under the 2021–2022 to 2024–2025 Canada–New Brunswick Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, New Brunswick will continue to collaborate with the childcare sector and maintain the New Brunswick Early Learning facility designation to ensure all families and children in the province have access to high-quality, affordable child care in the official language of their choice. The agreement focuses on strengthening the early childhood workforce, particularly around inclusive practices through training and mentorship, while addressing recruitment and retention challenges. Actions include implementing a marketing campaign to promote the profession and establishing a process for the recognition of early childhood education credentials obtained outside of Canada.

This four-year agreement builds on the commitments made in the Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework and ensures that funding continues to be available to support child care programs and services for New Brunswick families until March 2025.

Signing this agreement is an important first step in the provincial and federal governments coming together to negotiate a longer-term strategy for accessible, affordable, high-quality child care in New Brunswick. Both governments will work together to reach an agreement on the Canada-wide early learning and child care funding commitments that responds to the needs of New Brunswick families.  

“Child care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. High-quality early learning experiences are essential to the intellectual, emotional and physical development of our children. Our government will continue to fight for families and children in New Brunswick, to ensure they have access to affordable, accessible, flexible and inclusive child care because every child deserves the best possible start in life.”

– The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development

“Strengthening the early childhood workforce by focusing on inclusion and professional development is the key to providing world-class early learning and child care in New Brunswick. Early childhood is an incredibly important period in a child’s development and, by ensuring New Brunswick families can access high quality, affordable child care, we’re making sure our youngest learners have the tools they need to succeed right from the start.”

– New Brunswick Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, Dominic Cardy