Paradise, a New Novel


Paradise… O Paradise!, a new book by Sedki Chaabani, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

If you are bothered by your existence, and feel that you are a stranger perplexed by the secrets of the universe, then there will be writing ready for your rescue. If you are an utopist keeping in mind Thomas More in his Utopia or Alpharabius in his The Viewpoints of the Inhabitants of the noble City, or Plato in his Republic, then there will be writing to take you far away to no man’s land, where you can build your own kingdom and create your own state.

Sedki Chaabani has a BA in English. He taught in preparatory and secondary schools in Tunisia for many years and seconded as an English teacher in The Sultanate of Oman (5 years) and United Arab Emirates (4 years). He is a published author in Arabic, with works ranging from novels, poetry, plays, to critical essays. He is also a published author in English with a collection of poems titled Chants of Adulthood. Still to be published Taghriba (An Exile’s Epic).

Paradise… O Paradise! is a 162-page paperback with a retail price of $15.00 (eBook $10.00). The ISBN is 978-1-6491-3325-0. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at