Church of Scientology Nashville to Acknowledge Volunteers on World Humanitarian Day


2020 saw a great need from volunteers, and many people delivered to bring help.

The Church of Scientology’s Volunteer Ministers took part in an initiative designed to keep communities safe while cities and states reopened. They distributed over 15,000 “Stay Well” booklets to local stores, restaurants, grocery stores, clinics, hospitals and homes in the Nashville area.

Other Volunteer Ministers were able to help by delivering groceries each week with the Nashville General Hospital Foundation. One Volunteer Minister took it upon herself to deliver 500 bags of groceries to more than 230 households, traveling more than 3,000 miles. She will be specially recognized during the World Humanitarian Day Open House.

The Church of Scientology’s Volunteer Minister program is a religious social service created in the mid 1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard who said, “The Volunteer Minister helps ‘on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others.'”

The Volunteer Minister program was expressly intended for use by Scientologists and non- Scientologists alike. Transcending all ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries, the Volunteer Ministers program is there for anyone in need of help. Volunteer Minister training is available free of charge through the Scientology Volunteer Minister website to anyone who wishes to help others, at
