Canada – Backgrounder: Canada and British Columbia invest over $110 million in 14 drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure projects to provide reliable services to communities


100 Mile House

Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

Upgrade the district’s wastewater treatment plant to increase capacity to manage wastewater and improve effluent quality




Capital Regional District

Magic Lake Estates Wastewater Upgrades

Upgrade existing pump stations, install a new pump station and force main, decommission an old plant, and expand the Schooner wastewater treatment plant




Cowichan Valley Regional District

Saltair Water Treatment Expansion Project

Install two new treatment units and a micro-hydro turbine to increase capacity to treat drinking water and reduce energy consumption




Grand Forks

Stormwater System Management and Treatment Improvements

Upgrade the downtown stormwater system and incorporate rain garden and other infrastructure to address flooding and improve storm water management,





Septic System Elimination and Sewer Connection Project

Replace the septic system in three areas with a new sewer system to better convey sewage to the existing wastewater treatment plant




Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

Columbia Pollution Control Centre Upgrade to Secondary Treatment Construction and Commissioning

Upgrade the wastewater treatment facilities, including new headworks facilities, new primary and secondary treatment systems, new ultraviolet disinfection system, upgraded biosolids handling, and other works





Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization Project

Upgrade the wastewater treatment plant headworks, aeration system, and sludge management system to improve wastewater quality for environmental purposes and meet regulatory compliance




District of North Vancouver

Reduction of Inflow and Infiltration Program – Lynn Valley

Increase the capacity to manage wastewater with rehabilitation of sewer pipes to reduce the frequency of overflows and reduce system operating costs.




Port Clements

Wastewater System Upgrading

Construct a new aerated wastewater treatment lagoon system to replace the current, out of date system




Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Missezula Lake Water System Upgrades

Install a new water treatment facility to address boil water advisories, meet regulatory requirements, and improve environmental flows





Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade

Upgrade the wastewater treatment plant to improve the level of treatment, increase capacity and control odours, including a new treatment process, a new partitioning and aeration improvements, a new lagoon cover, and other related work.





Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades

Construct a new rapid infiltration basin and perform associated works to increase system capacity and efficiency, and to reduce algae growth in lagoons and potential overflow into Bear River





Water Treatment System Upgrades

Add a water treatment plant, filtration, and a third reservoir to the Ucluelet drinking water system to improve treatment, increase drinking water storage capacity, and increase access to potable water





Hastings Sunrise Sewer Renewal and Green Infrastructure Project

Replace the combined sewer with new separate sanitary and storm sewers in the Hastings Sunrise area to mitigate flooding, reduce sewer overflows into local marine waters and increase capacity.


