The story begins about two young men, Jon and Ben who entered Oz accidentally when they followed an old man across a bridge at Hawk Mountain. Only to find themselves caught in a strange series of events as Ozs citizens celebrate the opening of their new hall of fame while trying to figure out what caused the several natural disturbances occurring around it.
Schmehl revisits Oz hoping to recapture the essence of L. Frank Baums original The Wizard of Oz. As he throws his protagonists to the wolves, literally, as well as to a mysterious mirror that could have got its start in some carnival funhouse.
The author included some references to Baums Oz series. Fans will recall the Wizard and Glinda the Good and the other original mainstays: Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion, and of course Toto. True Oz readers will definitely remember the familiar Ozma, the Hungry Tiger, and the Patchwork Girl.
The new cast of characters is outrageous and entertaining. They seem intent on treating Oz like a theme park and having all the excitement and fun they can have.
Schmehl dives into some of Ozs history by adding a new landmark in the realm, such as The Queasy Streets, to re-live out memories, desires, and other feelings of its inhabitants. Its during this process that an old antagonist resurfaces and infiltrates the Emerald Palace. Read the book to find out the events as they unfold.
Oz fanatics will feel right at home once they start to read its first opening chapters. The novel is more like a throwback with an added new layer to the original series that is an absolute must-have for any The Wizard of Oz fan. Own a copy today!
Book available at
The State of Oz
Author: Christopher Schmehl
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: June 2021
Genre: Fantasy Book
Target Audience: From ages 8 to 15 years.
About the Author
Christopher Schmehl is tickled pink to offer you his first published novel. He has dreamed of this since his days at Wilson G. Sarig Elementary School. Schmehl has a BA in English/professional writing from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. He is an Eagle Scout. At different times he has been a summer camp counselor, a machine operator in a micro-electronics/integrated circuit facility, a security guard, a produce selector, a cashier, a material handler, and a grocery stocker. He lives with his family in Laureldale, Pennsylvania.