In response to Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 174 on 4th August, 2021 regarding office spaces allotted to NGOs and social organisations, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs had replied that space has been allotted to 9 NGOs/Trusts/Memorials/Social Organisations, within the limits of New Delhi Municipal Council. The payment of rent is regularly monitored through the website of Directorate of Estates. As on 30.06.2021, a sum of ₹ 3,79,48,957/- has been received from these organisations from the date of their allotments.
Out of the 9 organizations mentioned, 6 had dues on them. In this regard, it is informed that Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation had dues of ₹11,06,400 as on 30.06.21. This Organization has paid ₹ 10,55,600 in the afternoon of 3rd August while ₹2,35,200 have been deposited on 5th August, 2021 afternoon. Therefore, this organization has fully cleared all its dues.
Organisations, whose rents are due, have been issued notices by the Directorate of Estates. They are expected to clear their dues expeditiously, otherwise appropriate legal action shall be initiated against them.
(Release ID: 1743093)
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