Hong Kong – Service boundaries and operators for Short-term Food Assistance Service updated


Service boundaries and operators for Short-term Food Assistance Service updated


     The Social Welfare Department (SWD) today (August 1) remind members of the public who may need to make use of the Short-term Food Assistance Service (the Service) that the service boundary and the operators of the Service have been updated, as regularisation of the Service takes effect from today.
     A spokesman for the SWD said that since 2009, the SWD has commissioned non-governmental organisations to operate the Service to help individuals and families who have difficulties in coping with their daily food expenditure. After a review of the Service by the Government and with the support of the Legislative Council, regularisation of the Service takes effect today, which will help ensure the financial stability of the Service.
     Individuals or families who have proven difficulties coping with daily food expenditure, including the unemployed or underemployed, low-income earners, new arrivals, street sleepers, as well as individuals or families encountering sudden change and facing immediate financial hardship may apply for the Service.
     The Service is delivered through Short-term Food Assistance Service Teams, each with a demarcated service boundary. The updated service areas and means of contacting the Service Teams are set out at the Annex. Applicants may contact the respective Service Teams according to their place of residence for eligibility assessment.  
     The spokesman added that, to help individuals and families temporarily affected by the epidemic, the SWD has relaxed the asset limits of the Service from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022 on a time-limited basis, by pitching the asset limits to those of the Working Family Allowance. Details can be found at www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_family/sub_listofserv/id_foodassist/.
     Members of the public in need may contact the Service Teams direct, or the SWD’s 24-hour hotline (Tel: 2343 2255), for enquiries.