Dr. Joseph H. G. Wint Offers a Deep and Inspirational Guide That Motivates to Obtain the Joys of Long-Term Marriage in His Book “Secrets of a Happy Marriage: Fifty Years of Love”


Marriages that last a decade or two are very seldom nowadays, where separation and divorce are very common in this day and age, causing the children to have traumatic episodes out of the situation. Fifty years (plus) of successful marriage today is remarkable.
The first few chapters of the book start with six Greek words that define love. In a reference from the author’s life experience, Joe shared and revealed through stories of love with his partner, Joye, and their adventures in Jamaica and how they meet as well as ending up in marriage in New York. Joe also shared stories of their children who went and studied at Harvard and Cornell Universities. Read the book to get to know more their moments, adventures and secrets. 
The book’s purpose now reveals its core to one verse in the Scriptures, “Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her” (Ephesians 5:25). The verse inspired the book’s existence and that if we make it a habit of communicating and keeping in touch with God. Nothing is impossible. 
The verse is also a reply to that command, which goes, “How can I, a sinful man, love my wife as Christ loved the church?” as the author quotes it. This the main question married men would ask, and the answer you are searching for is in this inspirational and spiritual guide that will help you motivate and steer you on a clear path through God’s word and wisdom. 
The secret to a happy marriage is now yours to keep and this awesome reference addition to any collection or personal library. Own a copy today and get inspired!
Buy it at https://joewint.com/
Secrets of a Happy Marriage: Fifty Years of Love
Author: Dr. Joseph H. G. Wint
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: February 2021
Genre: Biography and Memoir
Target Audience: Adults, Couples
About the Author
Born in the beautiful island of Jamaica, West Indies, Dr. Wint graduated from the Kingston Technical High School, before attending The Kings College in New York where he studied to become an English teacher. Upon receiving his BA in English, he pursued the MA at New York University and followed up with a Doctorate in Education at Hofstra University. He achieved success and fame as an outstanding educator in New York by solving reading problems. With a very busy schedule in his profession, he found time to preach and teach the Word of God in ten different churches in New York City. He has preached on Radio Jamaica and has worked with the Billy Graham Crusade team in New York.