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Hong Kong – SJ meets with ministries and authorities in Beijing to develop Hong Kong legal services (with photos)

SJ meets with ministries and authorities in Beijing to develop Hong Kong legal services (with photos)


     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, continued her visit in Beijing today (July 30) to call on various ministries and authorities and discuss the professional development of the Hong Kong legal sector, and further promote Hong Kong’s legal, dispute resolution and deal-making services.

     Ms Cheng held a meeting with the President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Mr Jin Liqun, in the morning. Noting that the Department of Justice (DoJ) has signed an agreement with the AIIB last month for the secondment of a DoJ legal officer to its legal department, Ms Cheng said that the sustainable development of the Hong Kong legal community would be facilitated by participating in the work of international organisations. It is also conducive to the development of Hong Kong’s position as a leading international legal and dispute resolution services centre. She pointed out in the meeting that the robust legal system, strong rule of law and reliable common law system enjoyed by Hong Kong contribute to the healthy development of its financial market. Ms Cheng also introduced Hong Kong Legal Week, a signature event held by the DoJ in November every year that draws together legal and dispute resolution experts and more from different places to share their insights and experience on various topics.

     She then attended the signing ceremony for the memorandum of co-operation under the tripartite communication platform jointly held by the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the Bureau of Policies, Laws and Regulations of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and the DoJ. The platform serves as a communication channel between Mainland enterprises and the Hong Kong legal profession to connect Mainland enterprises with Hong Kong legal experts in various areas, and through regular exchanges of experience and knowledge optimises the business and investment environments of both places and facilitates the export of Hong Kong’s legal services. The first seminar on the legal challenges and strategies under the Belt and Road Initiative was held in Beijing in November 2019. The second seminar is planned to be held later this year if situation permits. A standing committee of legal experts of the DoJ will offer their professional views and analysis to the participants.

     In the afternoon, Ms Cheng attended an annual exchange meeting with the Department of Treaty and Law of MOFCOM. She highlighted that the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group III pre-intersessional meeting was concluded in November 2020 in Hong Kong, and the UNCITRAL Working Group III meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in Hong Kong later this year. Significant international meetings like these give Hong Kong legal professionals a better understanding of prevailing international legal practices and broaden their international horizons. She also stated that the DoJ will continue to organise the Investment Law and Investor-State Mediator Training Course, aiming to develop Hong Kong into an international investment law and international investment dispute resolution skills training base, and to build up a team of investment mediators in Asia to handle international investment disputes.

     Ms Cheng will return to Hong Kong via Shenzhen tomorrow (July 31).