Hong Kong – S for S speaks on first conviction under Hong Kong National Security Law case


S for S speaks on first conviction under Hong Kong National Security Law case


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, at a media session after attending an event today (July 30):
Reporter: Secretary, two English questions. First one, the first court case convicted under the National Security Law is given nine years of imprisonment. Is it a reasonable sentencing to you? Is that what you expected? And, is the eight-word slogan a criminalised behaviour? And the second question, how likely the Police will investigate on disrespectful behaviour happened during the Olympics live broadcast at malls? For example, will plainclothes officers be deployed at malls, etc?
Secretary for Security: First of all, regarding the sentence of the first violation of the National Security Law, we will go back and thoroughly study the judgment. And then, we will decide the next course of action. Regarding the slogan used by the defendant, it is being clearly stated by the court that it may have the meaning of “Independence of Hong Kong”, and it may also have the meaning of asking Hong Kong to be separated from the Mainland China.
Regarding the apm (a Kwun Tong mall) incident, for any violation of law, including the National Flag Law or the National Security Law, we will thoroughly investigate. If there is any evidence, we will arrest, and if there is a further evidence, we will prosecute. Thank you.
 (Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)