The Knowledge Group Has Scheduled a Live Webcast on Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)


TCPA exemptions for calls made to residential telephone lines.

These notable regulatory developments confront companies with a myriad of critical issues and compliance hurdles, which, if not mitigated, could incur legal liabilities. Thus, it becomes imperative that businesses carefully revisit their compliance programs. They must also keep themselves abreast of emerging developments to avoid pitfalls.

Join litigation attorneys Thomas Woods (Stoel Rives LLP) and Benjamin D. Carnahan (Walter | Haverfield) as they provide the audience with an in-depth analysis of up-to-date trends and developments in TCPA. Speakers, among other things, will present critical risk issues and share best compliance practices in this evolving legal climate.

Key topics include:

• Trends and Updates in Telephone Consumer Protection Act

• Recent Enforcement Priorities

• Compliance Risk Issues and Challenges

• Risk Mitigation Strategies

• Best Compliance Practices

• A Regulatory Outlook

Speakers/Faculty Panel

Thomas Woods, Partner

Stoel Rives LLP

Benjamin D. Carnahan, Partner

Walter | Haverfield

For an updated list of the faculty panel, please visit:

About The Knowledge Group

Founded in November 2006, The Knowledge Group has been at the forefront of providing quality continuing education programs for lawyers, accountants, financial executives, risk and compliance specialists, human resources professionals, technology officers, and business consultants in a wide range of industries.

The Knowledge Group strives to be the best-in-class provider of continuing education by bringing forth relevant content you can’t get anywhere else.
