Canada – U.S. – Canada Joint Statement on Gordie Howe International Bridge



As the importance of infrastructure becomes clearer and clearer, our two countries have long been partnering on a once-in-a generation project of critical importance: the Gordie Howe International Bridge.

As the importance of infrastructure becomes clearer and clearer, our two countries have long been partnering on a once-in-a generation project of critical importance: the Gordie Howe International Bridge. By creating the first seamless highway-to-highway connection between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan – the location of one of North America’s busiest trade corridors – this new crossing, currently under construction, will for decades serve to secure and spur bi-national economic growth. Canada is financing the project, and is working hand-in-hand with the State of Michigan (also co-owner of the Bridge), the Federal Highway Administration, a private-sector partner, and many other partners towards a scheduled completion by the end of 2024.  As a top infrastructure priority for both our governments, we’re committed to continuing our support to ensure the project’s state-of-the-art ports of entry are fully funded so vehicles can begin crossing the architecturally stunning cable-stayed structure once completed for the benefit of our shared prosperity. 


Emelyana Titarenko

Press Secretary

Office of the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities


Media Relations

Infrastructure Canada


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