Global Startup Ecosystem (GSE) Announces Annual “GSE Global Investment Summit” To Prepare Investors for the Future of Tech


ATTN: 2nd Annual Global Investment Summit

LOCATION: Virtual Online

The Global Startup Ecosystem (GSE) announced the next edition of the Global Investment Summit to address the new wave of alternative capital available to the digital age of entrepreneurs.

With the theme, “ The Future of Funding- Wisdom of the Crowd ”, this edi​​​​​​​​tion of the Global Investment Summit will share the new platforms for investment- from crowdfunding to crowd equity to multi-country cross investment communities and more.

Last year’s edition of the program addressed the volatile global economy and the shift in the investment landscape that transpired due to the scale of the 2020 global pandemic. With bankruptcies and unemployment at record highs, speakers identified the role of the investment community to support these challenges and kickstart industries, businesses and global economies by supporting tech companies focused on impact.

This year’s program structure is action packed with keynotes, panels, workshops, partner matching, networking sessions and expert panels. The program concludes with a high profile call to action for investor participants.

The speaker line up for 2021 includes:

Christine Ntim: Founder and CEO- Global Startup Ecosystem

Archana Gilravi: Vice President,Sheryl Sandberg and Dave Goldberg Foundation

Matt Cohen – Founder and Managing Partner at Ripple Ventures

Radhika Malik: Investment Director, Samsung Catalyst Fund

Vikram Gandhi: Senior lecturer – Harvard Business School

Ernst Sack: Partner Blue Bear Capital

Alex Lazarow: Investment Director -Cathay Innovation

Jon Simon, Managing Partner, Total Impact Capital

K.P Reddy: Civil Engineer, Entrepreneur and Investor, Shadow Ventures

Parth Desai: Principal – Flare Capital Partners

Christine Tao: CEO -Sounding Board and Venture backed startup

Einstein Ntim: Partner, Africa Future Fund

Petia Abdul-Razzaaq- Digital Marketing Strategist I Grow with Google Speaker I Adjunct Instructor.

Ryan foland : Author and Professional speaker.

Hannah Subayi Kamuanga:Country Officer & Equity Expert, PROPARCO Partner – Dazzle Angels

Jim King: President and CEO, Fahe

Geoff Whaling: Chair, National Hemp Association & President, Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council.

Dawn Weisz: CEO-Marin Clean Energy.

Chrystel Cornelius CEO-First Nations Oweesta Corporation

Annie Donovan: Chief Operating Officer, Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Kyle Adkins: Partner, FullCycle Climate Partners

Laina Raveendran Greene: Co-founder, Angels of Impact

