Errant, a Fantasy Novel


Errant: A Legend of the Gallant Knight, a new book by Emily Dabb, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.

Errant: A Legend of the Gallant Knight is a compelling tale of adventure which explores the nature of love and friendship, the concept of right and wrong, and questions of faith.

The Knight, estranged from his brother due to unwarranted suspicions, is cast out of his home. In his search for purpose, he goes on a quest to help a woman from a neighboring kingdom bring peace to her land. The Knight faces opposition and suspicion at every turn, yet remains true to his quest as he struggles with difficult questions about forgiveness, sacrifice, and who controls the universe.

About the Author
Emily Dabb lives in Iowa with her husband and daughters. She stays home with the girls and they enjoy playing outside, reading great books, wrestling in the living room, and jumping on the trampoline. Besides writing, Dabb enjoys drawing and painting, horses, and weightlifting. She is very interested in the art of story writing and considers reading other writers one of the best ways to grow.

Errant: A Legend of the Gallant Knight is a 298-page paperback with a retail price of $20.00 (eBook $15.00). The ISBN is 978-1-6491-3117-1. It was published by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For members of the press, to request a review copy, visit our virtual pressroom at or to buy the book visit our online bookstore at