Canada – Backgrounder: Residents of the Northwest Territories to benefit from improvements to local roads



Behchokǫ̀ – New Subdivision Roads in Rae

Construction of approximately 2.5 km of new roads to support the development of a new sub division for the community. The project includes pre-engineering studies, engineering work, and road construction.




Bay Island Bridge Study and Design

Study design for the replacement of the single-lane bridge with a two-lane bridge and a traffic light on the island side of the bridge. This study will include the design, pre-engineering work, and construction cost estimate.




Behchokǫ̀ Road Drainage Upgrade

Upgrades to culverts and drainage ditches for approximately 11 km of road sections throughout the community. This includes stormwater work on 25 roads and improvements on 856 metres of stormwater assets.




Dettah Roads and Drainage Improvements Phase 2

Improvements to roads and the drainage system in the Yellowknives Dene First Nation community of Dettah. The project will upgrade gravel roads to an asphalt paved surface, include designated parking areas, stormwater management and roadside furniture.




Enterprise Road Improvements Project

Improvements to approximately 2.39 km across 7 roads in Enterprise. This involves a drainage review, culvert upgrades, road upgrades including widening for sidewalks, installation of a storm drain, and requisite repairs.



Fort Good Hope

Fort Good Hope – Chipseal Project

Improvements to approximately 7 km of road. The project includes applying two lifts of chipseal to all primary roads in the community.



Fort McPherson

Fort McPherson Road and Drainage Improvements

Improvements to road and drainage infrastructure, including road grading and improvements to corresponding ditches and culverts on 20 roads, as well as the grading of four municipal lots, in five areas of the community.



Fort Resolution

Fort Resolution Road and Drainage Improvements

Upgrades to various roads and culverts, including the installation of new chipseal along 18 community roads (approximately 9 km) and replacement of approximate 1.2 km of culverts/pipes to allow for proper stormwater drainage along the roads.



Fort Smith

Fort Smith Road Upgrade Project

Road and drainage upgrades on several roads in the community. This includes asphalting six gravel roads, resurfacing asphalt on three roads and adding storm sewers, curbs and gutters. The town will upgrade a total of 7 km of road through this project.



Hay River

Hay River Community Road Upgrades Improvement Project (Capital Drive and Industrial Drive)

Rehabilitation of 1 km along Capital Drive and Industrial Drive. The project includes the replacement of asphalt and sidewalks on both sides of Capital Drive and improvements to the road grade on Industrial Drive.




Inuvik Breynat Road Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of approximately 0.5 km of road in the community. This includes resurfacing, culvert replacement, drainage improvement, the addition of signage, and other improvements to increase safety and create better traffic flow.




Kakisa Community Drainage Improvements and Road Upgrades

Road rehabilitation to six roads in the community for a total of 1.2 km. This includes excavation and replacement of base material for the roads, new chipseal for all roads, replacement of culverts, and improvements to allow for proper drainage.



Norman Wells

Norman Wells Roadway Improvements

The project involves resurfacing 7 km of road infrastructure on Mackenzie Drive including a second lift of chipseal and sealant.




Tuktoyaktuk Community Road Upgrades Phase 2

Elevating the grade of several roads to ensure community access during storm events. This includes increasing the elevation of approximately 1 km of roadway on four roads.




Tulita Major Roads and Ditching Rehabilitation

The rehabilitation includes resurfacing roads, installing culverts and improving ditching in ten sections of road. The total length of road improvements is 1.5 km on Bear Rock Drive, Sesame Street, Caribou Crescent, Lennie Crescent, Mackenzie Drive, Airport Road, and Sister Celeste Road.




Ulukhaktok Road and Drainage Upgrades Plan

Creation of a plan for road, ditching and culvert upgrades in the community. This involves preliminary planning and design for improvements to approximately 2.5 km of community roads, including ancillary stormwater assets.




Whatì Major Road and Drainage Upgrades

Upgrades to 11 km of roads in the community of Whatì. This involves the rehabilitation of major culverts, improvements to the drainage systems including gutters and ditches, and road re-surfacing with gravel.




City of Yellowknife 2022-2023 Paving Project

Improvements to deteriorating road infrastructure, including the repair and replacement of asphalt, concrete, and appurtenances on 11 roads throughout the city. The total length of road improvements is 3,351 metres.

