Container Exchanger Donates 100 Containers to Convoy of Care to Help Natural Disaster Victims


 There’s nothing like surviving a natural disaster in the middle of a pandemic. A series of destructive tornadoes ripped through parts of the South at the end of last March, killing five and leaving dozens of families without a home. Newnan, Georgia was among the worst-hit. Over sixty homes were destroyed in one community alone, according to The Weather Channel, with winds up to 170 mph. Trees fell, roads closed and the power went out as millions of households hunkered down to wait out the storm.

The survivors woke up to find their property and lives destroyed with hardly anything to call their own. But help was soon on the way. Several companies, including Caring for Others, the Georgia Motor Trucking Association, various Atlanta government agencies and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, came together to create Convoy of Care to help those affected by the storms.

Container Exchanger was proud to donate 100 gaylord containers to the cause, an estimated value of $1,700. The containers were used to collect and transport donations to those in need. The GMTA and Convoy of Care have collected hundreds of items over the last few weeks, including toiletries, nonperishable food items, yard tools, water and cleaning supplies. Thanks to the bulk containers, volunteers were able to move hundreds of pounds of goods in just a few minutes, so they could deliver it to those in need as fast as possible.

Time is of the essence in the aftermath of a natural storm. Shelters often do not have the supplies they need to adequately care for those that have been affected by the storm, especially during the pandemic. Disinfectant wipes, drinking water, face masks, food, clean clothes and hygiene products were all in short supply. Luckily, Convoy of Care was there when the survivors needed them most. They quickly rallied members of the community to drop off supplies, including those that were affected by the storm.

Families, business owners and individuals answered the call. Truckloads of supplies had to be sorted and distributed all over the tri-state area. Container Exchanger buys and sells virtually every type of container on the market today, so the company decided to donate 100 heavy-duty large boxes. The gaylord box is often used to store and ship large quantities of dry goods. They were perfect for collecting and dropping off donations and supplies. Volunteers were able to create custom packages for those in need with a mix of food, hygiene and cleaning products.

This isn’t the first Convoy of Care or the GMTA have swooped into action. Over the last five years, they have helped over 200,000 families from the Midwest to the East Coast and the Caribbean Islands rebuild their lives after a natural disaster. They are known for trucking products all over the country, so they decided to help communities respond to emergency situations. They have provided over 200 truckloads over the years, and every item makes a world of difference. Convoy of Care is known for bringing essentials right to the survivors’ doorstep, so they have everything they need during challenging times. They are still accepting donations. Visit the link to make a difference today.

Our hearts go out to all the victims of the tornadoes. The victims are extremely grateful to Convoy of Care, the GMTA and everyone that donated during the aftermath of the storm. Container Exchanger is a proud supporter of the organizations. From businesses looking to save money to nonprofits making the world a better place, by helping people move things quickly and securely – one container at a time.

Container Exchanger

Tara Morgan




  • Corporate Social Responsibility