Hong Kong – Young persons in custody sit for HKDSE Examination for self-enhancement (with photos)


Young persons in custody sit for HKDSE Examination for self-enhancement (with photos)


     Seven young persons in custody enrolled in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination this year have enriched themselves to prepare for further studies or employment after their release.

     The results of the HKDSE Examination were released today (July 21). Seven young persons in custody from Pik Uk Correctional Institution (PUCI) and Lai King Correctional Institution, who took a total of 37 examination papers, obtained level 2 or above in 28 papers, or 75.7 per cent of all papers taken. One of them has acquired 16 marks, which met the general entrance requirements for local universities, while another candidate scored the highest result, with 19 marks overall in six subjects.

     The exams sat included the four core subjects of Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies as well as the two electives of Economics and Tourism and Hospitality Studies.

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) has provided the education needed to help young persons in custody below 21 years to gain accredited qualifications and develop positive values towards furthering their studies, finding jobs and reintegrating into society after release. 
     A 19-year-old candidate at PUCI scored 19 marks overall in the six papers taken. He originally planned to study in a foreign country before being taken into custody. He was sentenced to jail after committing a crime. When first entering custody, he felt at a loss and had the idea of giving up his studies. Thanks to the encouragement of his parents and teachers afterwards, he decided to study the New Senior Secondary curriculum and found his goal in life. Although he only obtained level 2 in English Language, which cannot meet the general entrance requirement for local universities, he has not given up and is planning to take the English Language and Mathematics Extended Part exams next year to increase his chances to study overseas after release.
     Another 17-year-old candidate had dropped out of school in Form 2. He was sent to the training centre for committing a crime. Seeing that his parents travelled a long way to visit him every week and did not give up on him, he felt very guilty and thus became determined to make a change. He hoped to enhance his knowledge and equip himself by studying the New Senior Secondary curriculum. Although his exam results were not satisfactory, he knows that what he has learned and his efforts during his training have not been in vain. He is keen on cooking and hopes to pursue a career in the hotel and catering industry after graduation, striving hard at work to show gratitude to his parents.