Lyman, SC Author Publishes Inspiring Memoir


How Lynn Became a Mermaid, a new book by Ashley Johnson, has been released by RoseDog Books.

How Lynn Became a Mermaid follows author Ashley Lynn Johnson’s real life experiences through the eyes of herself as a young girl after being diagnosed with the rare disorder, Transverse Myeitis. Ashley has found her strength in overcoming this disorder through the help of “mermaiding,” a unique and incredible form of physical therapy. With the help of her friends, Lynn is able to overcome extreme obstacles and swim-reveling that nothing is impossible if you follow your dreams!

About the Illustrator
Liana Stadelmann

Liana is a very talented self-taught water colorist. She has such a passion for life that shows through her beautiful, colorful, and whimsical art.

Liana is also an accomplished violinist and harpist.

You may find her artwork at

How Lynn Became a Mermaid is a 30-page paperback with a retail price of $16.00 (eBook $11.00). The ISBN is 978-1-6470-2411-6. It was published by RoseDog Books of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For more information, or to request a review copy, please go to our virtual pressroom at or our online bookstore at