“The Red Dress Decision: True Stories of a Life Filled With God’s Miracles”


One of the most wonderful aspects of Jesus’ salvation is that we not only receive salvation for our souls but also an opportunity to turn our lives around. A personal relationship with God will help you get out of whatever muck you are in. It could be an addiction, despair, an unfulfilling life, worldly burdens, and unmet aspirations.

Such is the life of Nadia Ianakieva. She once struggled with alcoholism, depression, unhealed wounds, and a failing marriage. She publishes a book about her life experiences and supernatural walk with the Lord to proclaim God’s work in her life. In the book “The Red Dress Decision,” Ianakieva will stir hearts and souls.

Back in post-communist Bulgaria, the majority of people thought radical Christianity was a cult. Ianakieva’s first marriage ended in divorce, disappointment, and unfulfillment, and she was on the verge of ruining her life. God, on the other hand, led her to attend a meeting of Christians. While listening, she felt a desire to surrender all of her burdens and flaws during the altar call. From then on, she had started to piece her heart back together and tread life under God’s grace and power.

As Ianakieva recounts her journey from an addict to a believer, the book highlights the importance of grace. To those who dwell in slums of sin and misery, she vividly expresses a message of hope and salvation. She also inspires perseverance as she fights her way through the stumbling blocks she encountered in her walk of faith. More importantly, her radical change should encourage every Christian to walk in the supernatural and to use the Holy Spirit’s gifts, fruits, and power.

The book is enriched with biblical scriptures and real-life experiences that will surely lead anyone back into the knowledge of God’s love. It will provoke, inspire, and encourage every believer to walk in the supernatural.

Book available at: https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/the-red-dress-decision-true-stories-of-a-life-filled-with-gods-miracles-by-nadia-ianakieva/

The Red Dress Decision: True Stories of a Life Filled with God’s Miracles
Nadia Ianakieva
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Publication Date: May 2021
Genre: True personal stories
Target Audience: God seekers, 12-Step Program people, Alcoholics, Addicts, Depressed, Desperate people

About the Author

Nadia Ianakieva was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, a small country in Europe, hidden behind the Iron Curtain of Communism. She received a MA in English language and literature, hoping that someday she would become an ambassador of Bulgaria in a foreign country. Instead, she became an ambassador of Christ to the dying world, a witness of his power and love. Nadia’a real life began when she was adopted into the family of God and named a child of the Most High God.