“Looking for Grampa’s Beard” – To pray is to give God permission to do His work


“Looking for Grampa’s Beard” is a heartwarming story of grandparents and their grandchildren. In this book, Mikolsky introduces the importance of prayer and the power it has to bless and heal. The granddaughters, whom Grampa referred to as chickies, learned the Lord’s Prayer and the Prayers to Mother Mary with the help of two special Christmas gifts. They usually meet for weekly video chats, but one day, Grampa fell ill. Not having enough strength to shave, the girls noticed his beard growing thicker. And when he was no longer there for their weekly video chat, the girls prayed for their beloved Grampa.
Mikolsky was able to highlight three important points in this adorable story: prayer, faith, and family. The book was well-received and received a five-out-of-five rating on Goodreads.com.
“Gail Mikolsky has introduced the importance of praying and praying for young children in this true, charming and thoughtful story. With the help of two plush animals, Ralphie the raccoon and Louie the lamb, the book is an engaging story for young readers as well as an introduction to the important prayers: The Our Father and Grace before Meals. ‘Looking for Grampa’s Beard’ is truly a heartwarming story that can be shared with grandchildren to show the strong bond and love created between grandchildren and their grandparents.” – Goodreads.com commenter.
Aside from the lovely and heartwarming story, the book also comes with colorful illustrations that will surely ignite the interest of little children, and facilitate better comprehension.
Why were they looking for Grampa’s beard? Discover it by grabbing a copy now!
Buy the book at: https://youronlinepublicist.com/product/looking-for-grampas-beard-by-gail-mikolsky
Looking for Grampa’s Beard
Author: Gail Mikolsky
Publisher: Your Online Publicist
Published Date: July 2021
Book Genre: Children’s Book

About the Author:

Gail has over 38 years of teaching, administration and advocating for children with special health and developmental needs. She holds degrees in special education, reading, counseling and administration/supervision. She has experience with outreach programs for special needs individuals and does workshops and consultation for religious education programs. Gail’s active participation in the parish community and her leadership and volunteerism with the Columbiettes in her hometown of Southbury, Ct had given her a deeper understanding of the importance of prayer in our daily lives.