The Rapha Clinic of West Georgia Announces 7th Annual ‘Sound of Medicine’ Musical In-Person and Virtual Concert


Since opening in 2010, Rapha Clinic has been providing free medical and dental care to adults who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level and who are uninsured.

“If you have ever been without insurance, you know the anguish that experience can create; now, imagine that experience when you are ill or suffer from a chronic disease,” said Bill Calhoun, DDS and Chairman of the Board.

Created by Rapha board member and Medical Director Dr. Amy Eubanks, The Sound of Medicine is an opportunity to enjoy an evening of wonderful and inspiring music that raises much needed funds to allow Rapha Clinic to continue a mission that embodies the love of Christ.

“We are so excited to be performing in-person again after having to be online only in 2020,” said Dr. Eubanks. “The community really rallied behind us during the pandemic, and we are ready to celebrate the rebounding health of our community. Plus, we are going to have a lot of fun! However, we understand some people are still a little anxious about in-person events, so we will continue to share our performances online.”

The evening fundraiser will also include coffee, appetizers, dessert and silent auction all to benefit the work of the clinic. Full table reservations may be made in advance for eight people at $250. Individual tickets are $35. Event sponsorships are also available ranging from $150 to $6,000 and include a variety of in-person and online branding benefits. To purchase tickets or for more information, please call 678-953-7877 or visit

Virtual viewers are encouraged to tune into Mill Town Music Hall’s Facebook Live or YouTube channel to attend the concert, and the event will also be shared on Facebook – The Rapha Clinic of West Georgia. The Rapha Clinic staff and board would like to thank all of the 2020 sponsors, as these community supporters helped the clinic survive a very busy 2020 providing much needed health services to those in need.

About The Rapha Clinic

The Rapha Clinic of West Georgia is a faith-based, non-profit, charitable ministry serving uninsured adults in West Georgia (Carroll, Douglas, Haralson, Heard, and Paulding counties) since 2010. Volunteer professionals provide high quality medical and dental care to those most in need. In addition to the best healthcare, Rapha patients receive spiritual support and guidance without forcing beliefs. It is through caring for the physical illness that Rapha has an opportunity to be a witness for Christ. The unconditional love and superior care provided by Rapha empowers patients to break the cycle of poor health and habits and improve their quality of life.
