Eason Parasad’s Predcorp Consulting Shows You Why Staying Hungry Drives Results


Predcorp Consulting is all about driving results, they structure unique marketing plans that attract customers then automate the strategy to consistently get new leads after every 30 days.

Being hungry can be considered the most unpleasant feeling, one that no one ever wants to feel, but a few people have discovered a way to convert that feeling into something productive. Eason Parasad CEO of Predcorp Consulting is a pioneer in this, he believes that those who are hungry eat first, those who are passionate, motivated, and driven pursue their goals. The company specializes in hunting for those who are hungry, bridging the gap between the place of scarcity and abundance for businesses through strategic marketing and attraction of customers. 

Predcorp Consulting is all about driving results, with the understanding that marketing can be a challenging feat for businesses, they structure unique marketing plans that attract customers then automate the strategy to consistently get new leads after every 30 days. The intention is to take the stress off marketing for you, by driving consistent undeniable results. The right systems and processes you put in place for your company can make or break it, this is why Eason constantly encourages business owners and leaders to stay hungry, keep aiming for more so that they can keep seeing results. 

From his university level, Eason Parasad found joy in attending marketing classes, his love for the topic made it easy to enjoy the practical aspects of it which involved working with real companies and helping them grow. At the end, the students would receive criticism from professionals and industry leaders. It was a hands-on application of what was learnt in class, this gave Eason the confidence and opportunity to compete against his peers who were consulting with established businesses. His journey in the marketing industry from there was an upthrust. After bagging his degree, the Canadian digital marketer then worked with an event planning and marketing company and enhanced his skill even more by being involved in multiple projects. During his time working for this small company, he realised that the key to their continued success was the strategy they had in place, a strategy that could be repeated and developed as the company grew bigger. Running with this and all the knowledge he has gained over the years, he started his company Predcorp to help other companies execute their ideas. 

Predcorp finds the right people, at the right time and place, just when they are searching for or showing interest in the business product. Through strategic use of social media, and search engines, these target customers are attracted and closed with amazing Marketing funnels. Eason has changed the ideology behind hunger, and continues to help companies drive spectacular results. His number one advice is that businesses should stay hungry so that they can get their desired results and of course Predcorp would take care of the hunting for you. 

How To Reach Eason Parasad:

Website: https://predcorp.ca/

Email: eason@predcorp.ca

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/predcorp.ca

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eason-parasad-87852128/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/predcorp.ca/

About Predcorp Consulting