World’s Most Expensive Photograph — Also Selling Billion Dollar NFT! I Met Jesus 5 Times Again… 3 Times In January” The First Billion Dollar Art Images Ever!


World’s Most Expensive Photograph — Also Selling Billion Dollar NFT! I Met Jesus 5 Times Again… 3 Times In January” The First Billion Dollar Art Images Ever!

Manhattan, 7 July 2021, ZEXPRWIRE, Amidst the rise of NFT artwork, the surfacing of the ‘World’s Most Expensive Photograph’ from the upcoming fashion line Rising Star has graced the internet. This photograph part of a collection titled “I Met Jesus 5 Times This Year and He Named My Brand” was announced back in January across various media publications prior to the NFT popularity and is still set to be featured in a private SoHo charity auction. The photograph titled Church Grounds was originally listed for 32 Million USD but through supernatural experiences a price change of 33 Million USD was merited by Jesus to depict the accurate timing of his death.

As stated in previous articles, all of the funds from this photo will be collected and spread out amongst various charities and towards the funding of creating self-sufficient church communities abroad. In late March, the label also announced the release of their second 100-photo collection ‘I Met Jesus 5 Times Again… 3 Times In January”. This second collection offers 100 35mm and iPhone images in physical  4×6 inch size format, ranging in prices from 1.1 Million to 3.3 Million USD, with three additional oil-paintings in a sub-collection titled Diligent Angels being auctioned for 33 Million USD each.

The style of auction is between English auction or silent auction either during the SoHo auction days or through online auction. The creative director of the label James Dennis, sees the sudden release of the NFT crave as odd and due to his experiences but also a lucky opportunity to sell the already announced photograph. The photograph will be sold as a physical photograph, and due to the rise of the NFT crave, he will offer an NFT version which will include several bonus .jpeg images in .zip file format.

The .zip file will be on the market for a staggering ‘Buy It Now’ price of 3.3  Billion USD which will include 3 bonus images with the physical photograph in itself being sold for 33 Million USD. This NFT rendition of the collection will be titled “I Met Jesus 10 Times Already — NFT Version.” The ground-breaking photograph along with the brand’s newest collections will be available to view throughout various New York art galleries during the Spring/Summer seasons.

Originally Seen on The Los Angeles Tribune I Met Jesus 5 Times This Year and He Named My Brand — Selling World’s Most Expensive Photo! | The Los Angeles Tribune