PixelPlex Released New Information About Its AI Chatbot Development Services


Alexei Dulub, the company CEO, says that his team capably develops AI chatbot apps that can judge the intention of a customer’s page visitors. This ensures that customer requests are attended to in the best way possible. This kind of service easily translates visitors into customers and eventually into sales. “For our AI chatbots to be truly instrumental to a client’s website visitors, we tailor it to fit their specific line of business,” he said.

From the company’s website, the custom AI chatbot software is created to segment the audience by tracking repeat customers, customer spending estimation, domain focus, and enterprise type. The chatbot also comes with location settings that automate language selection, detect time zone, and choosing payment systems based on a customer’s location. Being that it’s built through machine learning technology, it determines customers most likely to make a purchase, automates invoice management, and timely connects the customer to a human agent.

The AI chatbot software by PIxelPlex enables a client’s back-office employees to delegate more tasks to chatbots. This effectively streamlines customer requests, bookings, feedback, support, and payment management in unimaginable ways. In addition, these chatbots can be developed for any industry and sector, including healthcare, retail and eCommerce, finance, HoReCa, travel, hospitality, and logistics.

The company helps clients build amazing user journeys that tell how much they care about their customers. It lets customers receive instant attention and response via their preferred channel whenever they need it. The software supports familiar voice assistants and chatbots, including Amazon Lex, IBM Watson, DialogFlow, and Microsoft Bot Framework.

About PixelPlex

PixelPlex is a software development company specializing in Blockchain Consulting, Enterprise Blockchain Development, NFT Development, Tokenization, Mobile App Development, Web Development, Accessible Web Development.

