Toronto’s Motorcycle Shop, OTOMOTO, Is Revolutionizing the Industry with their Bespoke Motorcycle Winter Storage Solutions


With Otomoto’s winter storage option for motorcycles, after winter season is finally over, you can gear up, start your bike, and zoom off without worrying about the condition of the electrical components, oil levels, tires, battery, and even the paint.

In some parts of the world, biking season has an end and a beginning, and it is no different in Toronto, where our winters signify the end. Winter is a hard time for Toronto’s motorcycle enthusiasts – the icy roads and the frigid temperatures, coupled with snow, mean it is time to pack up your gear, and park your motorcycle until better weather arrives again. Many motorcycle owners simply park their bikes anywhere, not giving any special consideration for the effect of the weather on the motorcycle itself, which can be detrimental to the overall quality and performance of the bike come Spring. With a clear-cut understanding of all the care your motorcycle needs during tough weather, Toronto Motorcycle shop Otomoto offers a state-of-the-art winter storage solution for your prized possession. 

Otomoto sets the pace in the industry with its new and innovative motorcycle storage maintenance system. During the winter, plugs need to be changed, oil needs to be refilled, gas tanks need to be topped off to prevent corrosion, electrical components of the motorcycle need to be maintained, paint needs to be preserved, and more. Storing a bike goes beyond just leaving it in a shed or garage and covering it up. This is why Otomoto runs its fully functional storage facility for motorcycles, with maintenance schedules and high-quality winter servicing, keeping your motorcycle performing at high standards. Their facility has a controlled atmosphere that is perfect for preserving paint and keeping fluids in check. They also ensure to keep batteries tendered, so they remain fully charged. Battery changes after the winter season account for millions of dollars in the motorcycle industry and it is because of how detrimental the cold weather can be to a motorcycle battery. This is why preserving these batteries is part of Otomoto’s winter maintenance focus.  

Otomoto has established itself as the go-to for all things motorcycle, and their winter storage facility has everything it everything your bike needs to come out of hibernation functioning at peak level. Their attention to care sets them apart from other motorcycle companies in the industry. 

Another major motorcycle concern during the winter is the life of the tires. When a motorcycle sits in the same spot for a long period of time, the tires begin to relax and deform, drastically reducing their shelf life. Otomoto handles this age-long problem by ensuring to complete motorcycle warm-ups, which not only keep the tires flexible, in shape, and strong, but also waking up the engine and keeping its parts fully functional. 

Otomoto is the perfect solution for all your motorcycle winter storage needs. With Otomoto’s winter storage option for motorcycles, after winter season is finally over, you can gear up, start your bike, and zoom off without worrying about the condition of the electrical components, oil levels, tires, battery, and even the paint. Otomoto is your one-stop shop for everything and anything motorcycle related in Toronto. 

How to Reach OTOMOTO:



Phone: 647-424-1088



