Hong Kong – Registration for Consumption Voucher Scheme to start on July 4


Registration for Consumption Voucher Scheme to start on July 4


     The Consumption Voucher Scheme (the Scheme) will open for registration from July 4 (Sunday). Registration will last for six weeks till August 14. Eligible Hong Kong permanent residents and new arrivals aged 18 or above on or before June 18, 2021, may make an electronic registration through the Consumption Voucher Scheme website (www.consumptionvoucher.gov.hk) from 6am on July 4. Eligible persons who choose to register using paper forms may put the forms into the designated drop boxes from July 5 (Monday) during office hours. 
     A Government spokesman encouraged the public to register electronically as it is faster and more convenient. In general, eligible persons who have completed electronic registration in the first two weeks (i.e. on or before July 17) will receive the first voucher on August 1, hence there is no need to rush for registration during the first one or two days. Eligible persons who have completed electronic registration on or after July 18 will normally receive the first voucher on September 1.
     Members of the public have to authenticate their identity during electronic registration. If they have successfully registered and received payment or collected the cheque under the Cash Payout Scheme (CPS) announced last year before June 18 this year, they may authenticate their identity by answering two related security questions: (a) the last four digits of the telephone number registered under the CPS; and (b) the last five digits of the account number for the bank transfer or the post office where the cheque was collected. Registrants will not need to fill in the personal data they have provided under the CPS again after identity authentication. To complete the registration, they only need to provide the related number of the stored value facility (SVF) account for collecting the vouchers and make a declaration regarding the “residing in Hong Kong” requirement. Alternatively, people may authenticate their identity through the “iAM Smart” app, or by uploading a copy of their Hong Kong identity card as notified after inputting their personal information to complete the registration procedure. The Government spokesman suggested members of the public have the required information in hand before making the electronic registration so that the whole registration process will be quicker and time-saving.
     Eligible persons who register by submitting paper forms will generally receive the first voucher on September 1. The paper form is available for downloading on the Scheme website or for collection at designated locations, including post offices (excluding mobile post offices) in different districts, Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department, district social welfare offices of the Social Welfare Department, public housing estate offices and Customer Service Centre of the Hong Kong Housing Authority.
     Registrants should drop the completed and signed paper form, together with a copy of their Hong Kong identity card stapled to the form and folded, into the drop boxes at around 560 collection points, including post offices in various districts and designated branches of Bank of China (Hong Kong), Bank of East Asia, Hang Seng Bank, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, and Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) during office hours within the registration period. Registration forms submitted by post, fax or email will not be accepted.
     Each eligible person can only register once. Each selected SVF account can also be registered once only, which cannot be changed after submission of registration.
     In general, people will receive an SMS notification informing them of the registration result around one week after completing the electronic registration. For registrants submitting paper registration forms, they will receive the SMS notification in around two weeks. 
     The Government spokesman reminded the public to protect their personal data carefully. The Government and its agents/contractors will only communicate with registrants with designated telephone numbers. If people need assistance when registering for the Scheme, they should only seek help from those they trust. The public may visit the Scheme website or call the hotline 18 5000 for enquiries if they have any questions about the Scheme.