Kiddicare offers Balanced Structured Lessons and Free Play: Here’s Why That’s Important For Kids


For early education to be effective, there’s a need for balanced, structured lessons and free play. Kiddiecare, one of the leading nurseries in Gravesend, is committed to providing children the right kind of learning environment that they need.

‘Laugh, Learn, and Have Fun!’

Kiddiecare’s ethos is “Laugh, learn, and have fun!” They offer the highest care and education through a safe, caring, and fun-filled environment. As a premier nursery in Gravesend, their experienced mentors and staff follow a curriculum that features the right mix of structured and freeflow routines.

Their prime areas of learning cover personal, social, and emotional development — allowing their students to gain confidence and learn how to be respectful of others. They also focus on communication and language, which is essential in imparting the fundamentals of speaking and listening skills. They also help in physical development by giving children a safe outdoor environment fully outfitted to enhance body coordination and motor skills.

At Kiddiecare, your child will also be introduced to specific areas of learning, including mathematics, literacy, expressive arts and design, and understanding the world.

Their strong ties with parents and other members of the community further enable them to implement their balanced program more effectively.

Why Structured Lessons With Free Play Is Vital

If you’re deciding which among the nurseries in Gravesend you should send your little one to, having balanced teaching and playtime should be a key consideration. Here’s why it’s essential for your child.

It fosters holistic development. Many life lessons are learned more effectively when experienced. This is why you shouldn’t just rely on textbook-based teaching. Letting your child go out and interact with fellow students will help in their development — intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically speaking.

It helps maintain their well-being. Even children could experience burnout if they’re bombarded with structured lessons. If you want your child to maintain their well-being while in a daycare, you should choose an institution that values playtime as well. Allowing free play helps in maximising their learning experience. Students will be more effective learners if they’re relaxed and physically and mentally healthy.

It limits digital screen time. One of the downsides of today’s boom in technology is heightened screen time — and this also gravely affects the younger generation. To keep your child away from their gadget’s screen, you have to let him or her experience how enjoyable playtime is.

It develops a deeper sense of social connection. Among children, social connections are established when they get to play with other people of their age. When they mingle with fellow students, they can have experiences that will allow them to learn a thing or two about the more important matters in life: empathy, respect, and gratitude among others.

Connect With Kiddiecare Today!

Are you looking for a nursery in Gravesend where you can enroll your child? Kiddiecare is your top choice. To connect with them, send an enquiry to or phone them on 01474 833424/07701 085921. Visit their website for more details:

Kiddiecare is located at the Istead Rise Primary School, Down Road, Istead Rise.