Spine Surgeon in Plano Answers Frequently Asked Questions About Back Pain in New Article Series


Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery of Texas has released an article series that continues to provide valuable information to their patients. For more information, visit

Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery is a technique cast-off intended for backbone disorders. It involves making minor openings, resultant in a smaller amount of blood loss and abridged harm to the muscles around the vertebrae. It promotes quicker recovery and a reduced amount of pain subsequent the surgical treatment. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery of Texas is a clinic that is owned and managed by Dr. Scott Kutz. It focuses on the maintenance and prediction of backbone conditions, like herniated discs, vertebral impairments, spinal cancers, etc. The clinic operated online has recently launched a series of articles based on the answers from the highly professional spine surgeon Plano about problems related to the spine.

Dr. Kutz is famous for providing aching relief and improved life for all his patients. Despite the unprecedented situations in life, he has managed all possible solutions for his clients in his article series by having a renowned name as the best back surgeon Plano TX. In the writ-ups, all types of backbone issues, their causes, and treatments get catered. These are frequently asked questions FAQs answered in the best possible ways.

The neurosurgeon in Plano TX has profound knowledge and expertise about the subject. He explains, in detail, some home remedies for back pain, including body position, eating habits, and exercises. Proper body alignment when sitting or standing gets referred to as good posture. Proper positioning entails preparing the body to hold against gravity. A good posture is critical for reducing tension and pressure on the spinal structures, including muscles and ligaments. Proper spinal alignment allows to move more freely and reduces strain.

A proper diet can also add to the relief. The foods high in anti-inflammatory substances include fresh fruits and vegetables, fatty fish (high in Omega-3), herbs and spices, mushrooms, green tea, Brussel sprouts, olive oil (extra virgin), cocoa, and dark chocolate, etc. These can inhibit inflammation markers and prostaglandins, providing relief from back pain. Apart from this, some medications and drug therapies get suggested.

MINT experts believe that medicine and lifestyle modifications, such as regular healthy eating and exercise, can help relieve lower back pain. If these lifestyle changes do not alleviate the back pain, seek advice from a skilled neurosurgeon for enhanced therapeutic approaches.

If performed correctly, minimally invasive spine surgery is an effective treatment option with a success rate of over 98 percent. MINT is a prestigious spinal surgery health center in Plano, TX, and they have cured thousands of patients and assisted them in returning to their daily lives.

There are several satisfied patients of the MINT Center. A happy patient reports, “Dr. Kutz has become one of those healthcare professionals who instantly helps you feel relaxed and at ease, even though you came to see him for a painful purpose. He takes his time getting to know you and examining you. Although it was my first consultation with him, and the discussion was about a serious operation, I already trusted him completely. And he certainly proved himself to be the best!”

The new article series is to get launched in June. So it is now high time, let go of all back problems! Visit MINSTX.COM and get answers to all the back-related questions in mind.

Disclaimer: The news site hosting this press release is not associated with Dr. Kutz at Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery of Texas. It is merely publishing a press release announcement submitted by a company, without any stated or implied endorsement of the product or service. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners. Please consult with your physician.

About Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery of Texas

MINT focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of spinal and cranial disorders. We specialize in treating patients with degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, spinal tumors, as well as other spinal disorders. Our head neurosurgeon, Dr. Kutz, has a special interest in minimally invasive surgical procedures, artificial disc replacement, spinal cord stimulation and neuromodulation, and the treatment of thoracic disorders, spine tumors, complex revision, and sacroiliac joint disorders. At MINT, we use the most innovative surgical techniques to help patients get back to life.