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Newsom Recall Volunteer Joins Candidates Round Table

Gavin Newsom will officially face a recall election sometime this fall. The California Governor had been embroiled in scandal since his infamous night out at the French Laundry Restaurant with lobbyists and deep pocket donors (Source: That dinner angered his constituency enough to give what was thought to be another failed attempt to recall the career politician more than enough signatures needed to have the petition meet the necessary amount to qualify (Source:

Smelling blood and fame in the air, many have jumped at the opportunity to prey on the politically wounded Newsom and promote themselves as a suitable replacement. From reality TV stars to adult film stars, the list of candidates lining up for the recall election reads like the cast of a Hollywood production fitting for the Golden State. Super celebrity Arnold Schwarzenegger capitalized on that sentiment in the states first recall election of Gray Davis in 2003, and took the leading role as Governor himself. Many volunteers involved in the recall petitioning for Gavin Newsom fear that’s a possible outcome that’s greatly unwanted.

“People thought Schwarzenegger was going to come in and play hero and save California so when he didn’t that left a bad taste in people’s mouths,” California Governor recall candidate Nickolas Wildstar stated when asked for comment. “As someone that spoke with thousands of people face to face about why they were signing the recall petition I can say without a doubt that ultimately Californians are just sick of oligarchism,” says the candidate. Wildstar introduces himself as a working class family man and the only candidate on the ballot for the recall that played an active role in actually gathering signatures to get Newsom out of office.

Take California Back is an organization that has been involved in the recall effort since early 2019. They’re hosting a virtual round table for the recall candidates that will be held on Tuesday June 29th at 7PM. To RSVP for the event organizers are asking those interested to email

For more information on the campaign to elect Nickolas Wildstar visit:

Or contact Campaign Communications Director Michael Plumhoff (410) 596-4938

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