Hong Kong – North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre makes announcement on interruption of negative pressure system in the isolation ward


North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre makes announcement on interruption of negative pressure system in the isolation ward


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for Kowloon West Cluster made the following announcement today (June 22) concerning the interruption of negative pressure system in the isolation ward of North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre (HKICC):

     At 7.10am today, the negative pressure system of some cubicles of the isolation ward on the ground floor in Block E was interrupted due to the malfunctioning of an exhaust fan caused by faulty electromechanical components, activating the alarm system. After an inspection by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and follow-up by the contractor, the negative pressure system of the cubicles concerned resumed normal at 7.58am.

     During the incident, there was one COVID-19 patient residing in the affected cubicles. No one had entered or left the rooms nor had any high risk procedures been performed. All ward staff wore appropriate personal protective equipment. According to HKICC’s assessment, the risk of infection is very low.

     HKICC is very concerned about the incident. The incident has been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.