The Put It In Writing Campaign to Help 600 Families With Estate Planning


An old adage is a “Short pencil is better than a long memory” emphasizes the need for putting business affairs in writing; and it is also a known fact if one has their affairs in order it helps to avoid lengthy estate litigation and administration cost and untold hours to rectify estate matters.

Death is one of the inevitable events in the world. Despite being an unwanted phenomenon; and often unpredictable, the occurrence is certain and usually leaves people devastated. While some have realized the importance of putting their desires down on paper in black and white to ensure that no conflicts arise after they are gone, millions of others have failed in this respect, ultimately leaving the family in chaos upon their death. The Covid-19 pandemic has further brought to bear the importance of putting the necessary documents in order before transitioning to the great beyond. The PIIW team is looking to make a difference with its recently launched campaign in real time.

The PIIW campaign was created to help participants leverage the expertise of the PUT IT IN WRITING team in creating new generational habits of what it means to offer peace over panic, clarity over chaos and unity over division when it comes to family matters. The goal is to help individuals embrace the subjects of Health Care Proxies, Living Wills, Wills and Trusts; making the conversation relatively comfortable with loved ones.

The campaign will concentrate on three areas which are to help to protect the mental, financial, and emotional wellbeing of family members following the death of a relative. It will also contribute significantly to helping people plant seeds for generational wealth.

The team at Put It In Writing has garnered a reputation in this regard and has over 15 years of experience assisting families with putting their households in order and helping families to carry out the wishes of the wishes of their loved ones.

For more information about the Putting It In Writing Campaign and how to be a part of this movement, visit – The campaign continues across social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
