Government seeks comments /suggestions on proposed amendments in Consumer Protection Act by 6thJuly 2021


Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India has sought  comments /suggestions on proposed amendments in Consumer Protection Act by 6thJuly, 2021.

New business processes like E-commerce and other market developments have transformed the way Consumers make transactions these days. GOI has been holding series of discussions with all the stake holders to strengthen the existing CPA in the light of these changes. These include trade and industry Associations, Consumer rights groups, various Government of India Ministries and other agencies etc. Various new ideas and suggestions came up and many of those have incorporated in the new Draft Consumer Protection Act.  The same has now been circulated for public.

Some of these new points include –

  1. Appointment of a Chief Compliance Officer,
  2. Appointment of a “Resident Grievance Officer”,
  3. Added “Cross-selling”
  4. “Fall back liability”,
  5. “Flash sale”,
  6. Registration of e-commerce entities,
  7. Noe-commerce entity shall allow any display or promotion of misleading advertisement whether in the course of business on its platform or otherwise.

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (zg) of sub-section (1) of section101 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (35 of 2019), the Central Government on23rd July 2020 had notified the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, the Department of Consumer Affairs has sought views/ comments/ suggestions on the proposed amendments to Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020.

The details are available at the given link in track change mode (proposed additions in ‘blue’ and deletions in ‘red strikethrough’).

 Views/ comments/ suggestions on the proposed amendments may be sent within15 days (by 6th July 2021) by email to



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